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Calender Germar's Monthly Updater

September 2007 - Part 1: Davos, Switzerland

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In September, I attended a conference celebrating one century of UV radiation research in Davos, Switzerland. I arrived one day early and had some time checking out the local mountains. Davos is located at 1550 meter above sea level and the air is very clear and free from pollution, which may plague lower elevations. Davos is therefore a perfect place for studying changes in solar radiation over long time-periods. That's why the World Radiation Center is located there. Scientists from Davos have shown that the increase of global temperatures observed during the last decades cannot be explained by a change in the Sun's radiation.



Salexer Horn


Alpine Flora

Hanging out


Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos - World Radiation Center
The PMOD/WRC is accommodated in an old school house. I guess it's about the most idyllically located institute of its kind in the world. Some instruments are located on the top of the roof. Getting there (what I did) was quite adventurous.



View from the roof

World Radiation Standard

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