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Calender Germar's Monthly Updater

November 2004 - Part 2: Taylor Lake, California

I've spent two days over Thanksgiving with friends at Taylor Lake. The little lake (in facts, it's more a slough) is located about 25 miles north of Yuma, and 180 miles east of San Diego. It is attached to the Colorado River via a small channel and is also a bird sanctuary. There were pelicans, cormorants, kingfishers (at least I think), ducks, and an equal number of duck hunters. Sunsets and sunrises were spectacular, and the full moon made the scenery perfect.

I was kayaking on the Colorado River on the first day and hiking on the second. In between, I ate turkey, recovered from eating turkey, listened to the howls of coyotes, and chatted at the campfire. Some impressions are below. Don't miss the links to the large-size panoramas!

Taylor Lake at sunset
Click for 1024x221 pixel version  |  Click for 3072x665 pixel version


Taylor Lake at sunset: Day 1

Taylor Lake at moonrise: Day 1

Taylor Lake at dawn


Me and the big river


Taylor Lake at sunset: Day 2

My campsite

Taylor Lake at moonrise: Day 2

Sunrise over Picacho Wilderness

Moon over Colorado River

Fog over Taylor Lake

Taylor Lake at dawn
Click for 1024x140 pixel version  |  Click for 4096x563 pixel version

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